KU AIdeation Challenge 2024

We would like to Invite high school and university students from the ASEAN-Plus Three (the ASEAN Member States and the People Republic of China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea) to submit their ideations in two categories:

1) AIdeation for Science and Technology Innovations
2) AIdeation for Social-business Innovations

First-round submission and judging criteria

 I. Science and Technology Ideations:

Submission format: an A4-size sketch design (The file size is not more than 5MB) with a 100-word abstract.

Judging criteria:
(1) use of science and technology; 
(2) use of AI in the ideation process;
(3) benefits of the ideation; and 
(4) idea feasibility.

 II Social-business Ideations:

Submission format: a business model canvas or a similar strategic management tool (The file size is not more than 5MB) with a 100-word abstract.

Judging criteria:
(1) use of science and technology; 
(2) use of AI in the ideation process;
(3) benefits of the ideation; and 
(4) idea feasibility.


(1) High-school level:
high school/upper secondary school students (aged 15-18)

(2) University level:
undergraduate and postgraduate students

*** KU AIdeation Challenge 2024 is open for prospective contestants from the South East Asia Countries including China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea.***

Important Dates

12 June 2024  – Competition Kick-off

4  July   2024  – Webinar on Design Thinking 

11 July  2024  – Webinar on Business Model Canvas and Social Innovations 

16 July  – 15 September 2024  – First Round Submission

30 September  2024  – Finalist Announcement

3 – 4 December  2024  – Final Competition

Organize by International Affairs Division, Kasetsart University  
For more information, please contact:  kuintlchallenge@ku.th 

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